Psoriasis is a long-term chronic skin disease.
The reasons for the development of the disease
Psoriasis occurs due to the pathology of skin cells, when the top layer of the skin dies in 4-5 days, while normally this time interval is several weeks. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but doctors identify several factors that cause the disease:
- Hereditary predisposition: the disease manifests itself at an early age, starting at the age of 15, and is most often inherited. If one of the parents has been diagnosed with psoriasis, the child has a more than 50% chance of getting sick.
- Autoimmune conflict: With this type of disorder, the body's immune cells stop recognizing skin cells as part of the body and begin to attack them as foreign elements.
- Nerve shocks - contribute to the release of hormones into the bloodstream, which leads to metabolic disorders and provokes the development of the disease.
- Alteration of hormonal balance and metabolism.
Psoriasis is not contagious, as there are no infectious agents that can be transmitted.
Psoriasis symptoms
The main symptoms of the disease are characteristic skin rashes, mainly affecting the inner surface of the elbow and knee joints, as well as areas of the skin that are subject to frequent frictional trauma.
Rashes can also be seen along the edge of the scalp and other less typical sites.
Skin rashes appear as patches covered with grayish or white scales. Skin rashes in psoriasis have three characteristic features:
- Stearin Stain Symptom:The whitish flakes come off easily, resembling candle wax crumbs in appearance.
- Terminal film: After removing the flakes, a whitish film can be seen underneath, covering the surface of the stain.
- Bleeding in a spot: scratching the spot removes the terminal film, damaging the papillae of the skin, from which small drops of blood protrude.
At an early stage, a pale border forms around the papule, no desquamation occurs at this stage. The paleness around the spot is a vascular reaction of the body to the rejection of the epidermis. The disease is accompanied by severe itching of the skin, cracks and slight bleeding form on the skin from scratching. A secondary infection can join, penetrating through damaged skin.
In addition to the skin, psoriasis affects the nails, causing fragility of the nail plates, the appearance of a transverse pattern and concave areas.
Autoimmune conflicts can affect the joints and cause arthritis-like pain, especially in the joints of the fingers.
Types of psoriasis
Psoriasis of the first type occurs in people under 30 years of age, it is a hereditary disease that mainly affects the skin and has a typical location.
Psoriasis of the second type affects people over 40 years of age and is not inherited. Most often it affects the nail plates and the scalp, the rash is small and teardrop-shaped. The disease in elderly patients is caused by a decrease in immunity against the background of chronic infectious diseases and an improper lifestyle.
Clinical studies have confirmed a link between type 2 psoriasis and alcohol and unhealthy food abuse.
Forms of psoriasis

Psoriasis has several forms of varying severity:
- Plaque psoriasis: Characteristic papules form on the skin, accompanied by itching and scaling.
- Pustular formcharacterized by the appearance of bubbles, redness of the skin around it, severe itching and burning, is considered a moderate form of the disease.
- Erythrodermais characterized by massive skin lesions, accompanied by suppuration and secretion of large layers of the epidermis, it is especially difficult to tolerate, often accompanied by pustular lesions and fungal infection.
Stages of psoriasis
The disease develops in several stages:
- The initial stagemarks the beginning of the disease, during this period one, less frequently, several pale spots appear, the skin begins to peel off.
- The active stageis accompanied by severe symptoms, abundant discharge of skin scales, itching, and inflammation.
- Stationary phase: indicates remission, peeling at this stage practically stops, instead of a spot, pigmentation or pale areas of pseudoatrophy are formed.
Psoriasis diagnosis
To make a diagnosis, you must consult a dermatologist. The pathology has a clear clinical picture, confirmed by anamnesis and biopsy of skin elements with its subsequent study.
Psoriasis treatment
The treatment of the disease should be approached holistically, while at the same time arresting external symptoms and influencing the possible cause of the disease.
Drug therapy
In severe cases, steps are taken to reduce the body's immune attack on its own cells:
- Cytostatics;
- Antihistamines;
- Corticosteroid hormones;
- Enterorosorbents and hepatoprotectors are used to restore metabolism.
At the same time, steps are being taken to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements:
- Silicon is one of the important trace elements responsible for hormonal balance and skin health.
- Calcium and vitamin D3 are necessary for the disease to go into remission. Prescribed together to increase calcium absorption.
Local solutions

For skin protection, external agents are used in the form of ointments and creams:
- Glucocorticoids, which reduce the immune response, also reduce the symptoms of inflammation, relieve itching and swelling of the skin.
- Salicylic acid and herbal products are essential to hydrate the skin and protect it against secondary infections.
- Topical cytostatics are used only in the active phase of the disease in its severe course.
To speed up the healing process, physiological procedures are prescribed:
- Cryotherapy;
- UV irradiation;
- Laser processing.
If necessary, plasmapheresis is performed to purify blood plasma and stabilize cells.
If a predisposition to the disease is identified, a series of preventive measures should be taken:
- Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
- Build a daily routine, avoid stress, rationally approach the organization of work hours;
- Follow a diet, avoid excessive amounts of carbohydrates, spices and fatty foods. It is advisable to avoid preservatives and instant foods;
- Spend plenty of time outdoors;
- Use soap and shampoo with a specially selected pH value, do not use hard cloths and towels, dry the skin thoroughly after showering;
- Wear clothes made of natural materials that are not too close to the body;
- Have a regular medical examination, monitor the level of hormones in your blood and, if necessary, start treatment early.
These measures will help maintain healthy skin and significantly improve quality of life.