In dermatological practice, psoriasis occupies one of the first places in terms of the number of patients and the complexity of the therapeutic treatment. Despite the fact that modern medicine has unique technologies for examining and treating a wide variety of diseases, the question of how to cure psoriasis forever remains open to this day. But there are several remedies that can help you achieve a sustained remission.

Treating psoriasis is challenging but doable.
Manifestations of the disease
Psoriasis is considered a disease of a non-infectious nature with a recurrent and chronic course, the characteristic signs of which are rashes in the form of spots and the appearance of peeling on the skin. In some cases, it affects the lymph nodes, bones, joints, and muscles. It can cause a variety of neurological changes.
Many people care if psoriasis can be cured.
To find out, you need to consider the basics of this disease. Its essence lies in the fact that, as a result of an altered reaction of the skin to external factors, a rapid death of the upper layer occurs.
Scientists are still trying to discover the ultimate causes of the disease. They also seek an answer to the question of how to get rid of psoriasis for good.
The main factors of the disease include:
- predisposition at the genetic level;
- stress and metabolic disorders;
- immune changes and neurological disorders;
- problems with the endocrine system.
The beginning of the process is always abrupt. The manifestations appear suddenly, in the form of a kind of outbreaks. In the disease, it is customary to distinguish three stages: progression, stationary and regression.
Initially, small, bright red spots appear on the surface of the skin. They grow on the periphery and their size can reach the diameter of an average coin. Little by little, the spots begin to coalesce completely, forming characteristic psoriatic plaques.
The "favorite" places are the scalp, the outer surface of the elbow and knee creases, and the anterior surface of the lower leg. In one third of cases, additional symptoms are present in the form of a feeling of tightness on the surface of the skin and itching.
It is quite easy to distinguish the rashes from the disease. First, peculiar grayish scales with a white tint appear, which are easily removed by scraping, after which a smooth pinkish surface with dotted bleeding opens. Only a doctor can help cure psoriasis.

The endocrine system is usually responsible for the onset of psoriasis.
Therapeutic methods
To the question whether psoriasis is being treated, it can be immediately answered that it is impossible to cure it today, not only at home, but also in a hospital. The main goal of ongoing therapeutic measures is to control the course of the disease. The complex uses drugs that are taken internally and local treatments.
The main means of treatment are ointments or creams. They can be hormone-based or hormone-free. It is possible to find out exactly whether psoriasis can be cured only after consulting a specialist. In severe cases, psoriasis can be treated with hormonal agents. This contributes to an early improvement in the general condition, but only for a short time.
Long-term use is not recommended, as not only is addiction possible, but there are risks of side effects or serious disturbances of the heart, kidney, or liver system. Psoriatic arthritis is common.
Non-hormonal drugs have a less pronounced effect and consequences, and a positive result persists for quite a long time. Therefore, the idea of how to quickly cure psoriasis is gradually forgotten.
Non-hormonal ointments can be subdivided based on the active ingredient in their composition. They can contain:
- Zinc.
- Salicylic acid.
- Tar.
- Vitamin D.
- Oil.
- Vitamin complex.
- Solid oil.
To obtain the maximum effect from the treatment carried out at home, it is imperative to combine the use of ointments with tablet preparations. During an exacerbation, psoriasis is well treated with antihistamine medications.
Pain can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For digestive problems, enzymes will help, and hepatoprotective agents are most often prescribed to help the liver.
In the case of an infectious process, it is necessary to use antibiotics of various macrolides, penicillins or cephalosporins, but only as prescribed by a doctor.
In some cases
For individual cases, there are also several psoriasis home treatment options to choose from. In case of damage to the pathological process of the skin under the hair on the head, folk remedies or shampoo ointments are excellently saved. The basic rule of thumb is not to treat the hair, but the skin underneath. Damage and scraping of the affected areas should also be avoided.
The regularity of the application of the product must be strictly observed so that the question of how to overcome psoriasis on the head disappears. When using shampoo, apply to the skin under the hair, whisk until lather and leave for ten minutes, then rinse well with water.
For psoriasis on the head, medicated shampoos will help. You can use anthralin ointments. From traditional medicine, various oils help well: peanut, olive, rosemary. For maximum effect, they should be applied under the lid at night, and then the soft crusts should be removed. And the question of whether it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms will disappear.
White or red clay, nettle water, and juice from onions or golden mustache leaves are also beneficial. Rubbing sea salt on your scalp for five minutes before washing it directly also works well. For a real effect, the salt can be soaked in any essential oil. The symptoms will go away, but the disease itself cannot be cured.
When the disease affects the nail plates, you need to carefully trim the nails, after steaming. The skin underneath must be cleaned very carefully. Doctors recommend using colorless varnish, taking special vitamins and ointments.
Warm baths with oatmeal, celandine, cornstarch or nettle will help treat the disease at home. And sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A in liquid form will consolidate the positive result of therapy.

Rosemary oil can be rubbed into the scalp overnight.
Ultraviolet power
In some cases, psoriasis has been shown to fear ultraviolet radiation. But here everything is strictly individual, since in some cases there is a risk of exacerbation of the disease. Also, do not combine tanning beds and drugs with tar.
Adherence to a competent diet will also help in the treatment of psoriasis. You should not eat chocolate in any form, coffee, spicy foods, citrus fruits, foods with preservatives, alcohol, and soft drinks. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat, sugar and eggs, as well as to stop smoking.
You must carefully monitor your condition to prolong the end result. Then some of the food bans can be relaxed. But when using any prohibited product, it should be introduced into the diet gradually, carefully observing the response of your body.

Citrus fruits can aggravate psoriasis.
Basic principles
Much depends on how the therapy develops. For a full-fledged fight against the disease, certain principles and rules must be adhered to that will maximize the use of active substances in the composition of medicinal preparations at home.
These include:
- the cure requires compliance with the doctor's prescriptions and following the instructions for medications that must be used regularly;
- a severe form of the disease requires hormonal therapy, in other cases, you can use less severe means;
- keep the skin constantly hydrated;
- after smoothing the crusts on the surface of the skin, do not be afraid to remove those that are not too tight, which will contribute to better absorption of drugs;
- Comply with the schedule of prescribed procedures for sunbathing and ultraviolet therapy;
- You should not "layer" several medications at the same time to see if psoriasis can be cured with them, as this will make it difficult to identify the most effective of them;
- it is necessary to take breaks between courses for at least one month and no more than six months;
- in case of a disease in childhood - to undergo research and try to identify the main causes of the disease, then, if possible, eliminate them;
- Stay in constant contact with the doctor and be interested in the emergence of new information on how to completely eliminate psoriasis.
Compliance with all the above rules will fully contribute to a stable remission of the disease, especially if you fight it together with a competent specialist. And then the idea of how psoriasis can be cured will disappear for a long time.

Sunbathing will only be beneficial in the doses prescribed by your doctor.
In recent years, Chinese medicine has been gaining popularity. Distributor-supplied ointments and capsules that promise a cure for psoriasis, after laboratory tests, turned out to be hormone-based remedies. Therefore, you should not rely on empty promises and put yourself in danger of an overdose or serious complications after performing such a "Chinese trick".
In deciding how and with what to cure the disease, a change of place of residence often helps. It is necessary to give preference to those places where there is a maritime climate and clean air.
Sometimes you have to fly there by plane. If this method of movement causes fear, an annual visit to the sanatorium will help.
Sports activities and an active life position will allow you to consolidate the final result. Sometimes dietary supplements, immunomodulators, homeopathy, apitherapy, yoga, acupuncture, and breathing exercises help heal. In some cases, it will appear that they will cure psoriasis effectively, and in others, an exacerbation will appear. It all depends on the individual.
Psoriasis is a serious disease, but not a death sentence. It interferes with a full life, causes great discomfort, and often leads to depression. It is impossible to completely cure the disease, but do not despair. Regardless of whether the disease is treated or not, a long-lasting remission is quite possible. You just need to tune in to a positive result and fight together with your doctor. And then psoriasis will not only give in to therapy, it will recede for many years.